Jean Morisot

~1899 - 1967

Doctor Jean Morisot (using pseudonym Jean Sauteval)  is considered one of the best authors of ex-eroticis.His art has a strong voyeuristic touch to them, see the colored collection below.
He is responsible for many ex libris art. With the dexterity of a surgeon and the talent of an artist, Morisot has created more than one hundred works that strike with their paillard style, cheerful and ribbons, as a brilliant testimony of joie de vivre.

He produced many illustrations which carry a voyeuristic feel portraying his most lascivious fantasies. The women portrayed are subject to perverse characters in the form of adult men with dark faces, demons, satyrs, animals, beasts, witches, black men and clowns. They are shown as perpetrators of pleasure who offer a forbidden desire to women for their enjoyment.

In 1930, he illustrated the erotic novel Cydalise, ou, Le péché dans le miroir by Johannes Gros (using the pseudonym T. Mertens perhaps).

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